There are plenty of companies that aim to help small businesses grow. Score, is an organization that mentors small business owners recently shared an infographic showcasing why mobile marketing is a must for small businesses in the US today.
At the end of the day, consumers are using their smartphones to make buying decisions at every step of the shopping journey.
As a small business owner you want to be able to capitalize on this behavior and drive that shopping to your business as much as possible. Let's look at the infographic from below and break down the 8 reasons your small business needs mobile marketing.
1. Consumers Are Engaging With You Earlier Than You Think
50% of consumers in the US use their smartphone while they are on the way to the store.
Whether they are looking for your address, hours, phone number or website, they are being intentional with where they are shopping, especially when it comes to local.
Make sure your website is mobile-friendly and be prepared to convert those customers into the actions they are looking to take.
Google's recent announcement shows us that they want to give their mobile searchers the best experience so if you don't make your website mobile-friendly....well, Google will punish you for it.
2. The Smartphone Is The New Shopping Assistant
60% of US consumers use their smartphone in the store. 39% of walkouts are influenced by smartphones.
Now, there are definitely stats that play the oppostie role here but we've all been there.
We're in a store, take out our smartphone and look to see if we can find the product we're already holding in our hands cheaper online.
As a small business owner, you have to understand the power that consumers have in the palm of their hands. There will be some transactions you'll potentially lose, but the opportunity is still in your favor as most shopping still occurs in a physical store vs online.
Think about how you can use this to your advantage and create opportunities to engage with your mobile programs while they are in your store.
If you're actively engaging with your customers through mobile marketing you'll stay top of mind with your customers and increase loyalty, making it less likely for someone to leave your store because they most likely won't be price shopping online.
3. You're Pushing Away Business If You're Not Mobile-Friendly
Let's face it. We're impatient. That rolls into our shopping behaviors as well.
48% of mobile visitors who visit a site that is not mobile-friendly felt that the company just didn't care about their business.
I know when I'm looking for something on my phone and I have to pinch and zoom my way around, I give up quickly.
I know that I can visit the next site in my search and probably get a better experience.
We've been raised to make a good first impression.
No more than ever, your first impression is happening on a smartphone.
Don't give potential customers a reason to never shop with you just because your website isn't mobile-friendly.
4. Mobile Searchers Will Shop With You
When was the last time you searched for some take out or delivery and didn't end up buying?
I'm guessing the odds are low.
When we're searching for things from our mobile devices and we're searching locally—we take action.
73% of mobile searches trigger follow up actions...often within an hour.
Whether it's the customer calling your business, visiting your store, sharing your content or purchasing your products or services, these are actions you want them to take.
Enabling those actions for mobile searchers will lead to more people visiting, engaging and spending money with your business.
5. Mobile Search Is Local
43% of searches use a local keyword.
Again, with most shopping still happening in physcial stores, we shop for things in our local area when possible.
Yes, Amazon prime is amazing and I can get things in two days wihtout leaving my house, but, I can also get something that minute with a bit more effort.
When a customer wants your product or service bad enough, they won't wait. They'll come get it.
6. If Email Marketing Is Important, You Better Make It Mobile
Score shares that 64% of decision makers read email on their phones. These are the action takers. These are they "yes men and women".
Make your email more mobile-friendly with these tips and start capitalizing on the list you've spent your time building.
7. Mobile Consumers Spend Money
Email is powerful,there is no question there. It was found that 28% of recipients purchase more often and they order 44% more.
Basically, your email subscribers are valuable.
If your email is not mobile're missing a huge opportunity.
Here my favorite tip to make your email more mobile-friendly.
8. Mobile Marketing Converts Like A Champ
Mobile ads/offers get 10x the redemption rate of traditional coupons and mobile ads get 3x the clicks.
What would your lost coupon inititiave generated if you had done 10x more redemption?
I'm guessing you wouldn't complain about that.
This is why I always stress the importance of building a mobile loyalty program to drive increased traffic and sales.
When your offers engage your prospects/customers on the most personal device we own, you'll get more engagement. Now, you can't abuse this but understand that it's a lot easier to redeem offers when they are top of mind, in your customers hand and not left at home.
The real question is, what is holding you back from using mobile marketing?