Lets talk mobile messaging and marketing automation

5 Reasons: Part 4 - 5 Are You Making Money and Measuring Results?

5 Reasons: Part 4 - 5 Are You Making Money and Measuring Results?

Measuring your return on investment (ROI) is another challenge that marketing professionals face in the land of email and mobile marketing. In other words, it’s difficult for them to connect the dots between the messages they send out to prospective customers, and the moment when these subscribers get further engaged and turn into customers....

Mobile Rules of Engagement

Mobile is a vastly different world to email - thankfully !

Mobile Rules of Engagement

Whilst it has become common place to hand out our primary, secondary, and many other fake email addresses in order to receive information and content, the same cannot be said for the mobile world. 

As we generally only have one mobile number, we protect this with the urgency and specificity it deserves. Only those brands and friends we trust have access to our mobile numbers and if this access is abused then look out. You generally only get one crack at this relationship.....

What Are The Biggest Mistakes In Mobile Messaging and Marketing?

What Are The Biggest Mistakes In Mobile Messaging and Marketing?

You're the marketing expert at your company and you've finally convinced your team that connecting with customers on their mobile devices is an important initiative this year. You know your new mobile strategy needs to play nice with your current programs, but when you look at your current marketing - it's, well...all over the place. Tactic after tactic that was implemented to address a perceived need. You're probably even paying for some really cool products/services and not really using them... 

8 Totally Outdated Excuses for Avoiding Mobile Messaging, Which Do You Use?

8 Totally Outdated Excuses for Avoiding Mobile Messaging, Which Do You Use?
I think we’d all agree that are prospects and customers are on their mobile phones now more than ever. Our customers (the consumers) have chosen their mobile device as their first screen. They now connect with businesses and brands in a whole new way...yet, most businesses haven’t added any form of mobile marketing to their game plan. I have the lucky opportunity to talk to a lot of small businesses owners about their marketing efforts. It’s afforded me the ability to really ...

How to Market Your Services as a Public or Motivational Speaker

Part 5 of 5 Part Series - Nurturing your leads

How to Market Your Services as a Public or Motivational Speaker

A marketing term for building relationships with potential clients even if they are not currently looking to buy a product or service. The truth is, most people do not see an advertisement and immediately purchase or call for a quote. They move when they are ready.... Part 5 of 5 part series.


Boost your leads in 30 days

Step behind the curtain and see step-by-step how we create lead and sales explosions for business marketers:

how to