Lets talk mobile messaging and marketing automation

How To Win With SMS Marketing If You're Not A Discounter

How To Win With SMS Marketing If You're Not A Discounter

You may have considered SMS marketing because you've seen other retailers having success but your business doesn't offer discounts. Maybe you're saying, "I don't want to be a discounter" in my business and that's prevented you from using it because that's all you've seen from other businesses. If this is how you feel, I can tell you, you're not alone. In fact, this is one of the top objections I hear for why businesses aren't using SMS marketing in their business. I get it, too. Nobody ...

11 Common Reasons Small Businesses Fail With SMS Marketing

11 Common Reasons Small Businesses Fail With SMS Marketing

We've seen thousands of companies using SMS marketing successfully with MOBIT. Why not get in on the fun for your own business. Not only does SMS marketing allow you to increase traffic (both web and in-store), drive sales, and strengthen customer relationships, but at the end of the day it increases customer loyalty. A study by Gartner Group tells us that 80% of revenue for most companies comes from 20% of their customers - the loyal customers. Why do you think some of the largest ...

6 Steps to Create a Successful Messaging Campaign

6 Steps to Create a Successful Messaging Campaign

To successfully execute a mobile messaging campaign, you need to create an experience that delights. Mobile is by far the most personal marketing channel, so consumers have an incredibly low tolerance for poor campaigns– but fear not! Answer the following six questions, and you will be ready to launch an effective and exciting mobile campaign that your customers will love. Step 1 - What’s Your Goal? Ask yourself: what am I trying to accomplish? By setting an engagement event goal ...

Less Is More: 3 Sophisticated Ways to Boost Mobile Conversion Rates

Less Is More: 3 Sophisticated Ways to Boost Mobile Conversion Rates

As mobile browsing continues to grow at an incredible rate, more and more people (1.2 billion to be more precise) are preferring to access the web on their mobile phones than desktops. You cannot cannot afford to ignore mobile marketing. As more consumers make the transition from browsing the Internet on their desktop to their mobile device or tablet, it’s important to provide your site’s visitors with a seamless transition and responsiveness; however, too much responsiveness can ...

42 Reasons Why Marketers Should Take Mobile Messaging Seriously

42 Reasons Why Marketers Should Take Mobile Messaging Seriously

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