MOBIT follows best practice for the presentation of messages to the end user. You do not have to follow this, but it is recommended and certainly more professional. Your messaging should typically should contain the following;
Name of your company (or your name) in caps
Your call-to-action
Your automation link ( You can choose where it goes in your sentence structure.
Your thank-you page link
The all-important and required opt out message (MOBIT adds this in automatically).
The MOBIT Automation link
The MOBIT Automation link provided is no ordinary URL link. This link automatically selects the mobile page from your MOBIT campaign and displays this to your visitor.
It also tracks every action on the page thereafter by the person’s mobile number. The images below are examples of mobile pages from one of Sally’s MOBIT campaigns.
From these pages, anything and everything can be tracked and reported on, but that’s enough of the technical stuff!
The important point is that you can now present a form on your page and ask your visitor for more information. E.g you may ask your visitor to complete a simple survey questionnaire or provide feedback using radio buttons. Alternatively, you can obtain as much detailed information about your contact as you like.
Summary - The Complete Process
Now, without sharing trade secrets, Sally and many others, integrate their MOBIT mobile messaging and marketing with their email marketing platforms like MailChimp, Infusionsoft, Active Campaign, Campaign Monitor, and Ontraport for example.

The Follow-up
At the point you have a captured response from your visitor, the options are endless. You can send an email that includes your offer and information or present this same information on another mobile page from your campaign that displays automatically when they complete the form.
You can send them a follow-up SMS message in a couple of hours and then a day later if they have not registered on the form. There are countless automated options for you to be able to engage your visitor.
The only three (3) important things to remember are;
You have captured their contacts details immediately without leaving the event.
You have delivered a fantastic and professional user experience to your visitor.
You now have them added to your mobile list inside MOBIT and can either follow-up immediately when you return home or nurture them long term for other offers you may have.
So what’s The Point?
For audience engagement, when you are speaking from the stage or networking post the event, there is simply no other platform that comes close to mobile. As long as you treat the channel with the respect it deserves, personalize your content, and abide with the rules of this great channel, then you will reap the rewards.
The question is not “should I use mobile as against email”, but rather, how should I use each channel for maximum advantage