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Less Is More: 3 Sophisticated Ways to Boost Mobile Conversion Rates

  • 3 February 2015
  • Author: Sean Mcdonald
  • Number of views: 2295
Less Is More: 3 Sophisticated Ways to Boost Mobile Conversion Rates

As mobile browsing continues to grow at an incredible rate, more and more people (1.2 billion to be more precise) are preferring to access the web on their mobile phones than desktops. You cannot cannot afford to ignore mobile marketing. As more consumers make the transition from browsing the Internet on their desktop to their mobile device or tablet, it’s important to provide your site’s visitors with a seamless transition and responsiveness; however, too much responsiveness can become distracting. In fact, in some instances, overloading your mobile site with content may overwhelm your consumers, but could also creates a poor user experience.  In a recent study, responsive sites that were a duplication of their desktop counterparts loaded, on average, 6-times slower on a smartphone than they did on a desktop. That time delay is significant when you consider that a one-second delay translates to a 7% loss in conversions, according to the Aberdeen Group, Inc.

So what is a mobile marketer to do?

The answer is one that applies to most decisions in life… KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid).  Meaning, when it comes to your mobile site, “less is more”. Here are three sophisticated ways to increase your mobile conversions:

1. Fast Page Load

What does page load mean? Page Load refers to the amount of time it takes for a webpage to load when a visitor visits the page. MOBIT landing pages were built with speed (among other things) in mind. Unless you have page load times below 5 seconds then don't bother. Your audience will not wait around for anything longer than 5 - 6 seconds for your content.

2. Use Dynamic Keyword Insertion

While adjusting the design and layout of your mobile page will affect what a visitor sees, Dynamic Keyword Insertion adjusts what your visitors see before the mobile site is loaded.  Dynamic keyword insertion is used by Google Adwords advertisers and those ranking on search engines. What it means is, that with a bit of code in a headline or anchor text, the headline and/or anchor text will input whatever search query the ad or site responded to. 

Linking dynamic keywords to dynamic landing pages pages like MOBIT that display the specific text that a user searched for -- can significantly increase your conversion rates. For example, “{keyword text} for sale!” will read “cupcakes for sale!” when the user searches for “cupcakes”.  Dynamic keyword insertion allows mobile marketers to implement Chris Anderson’s long tail theory into their paid ad strategy. Long tail essentially means that you’re going to choose to focus more on finding a narrower but specific audience, as opposed to a broad one. A mobile marketer will want to implement long tail because that is the long tail audience is the audience that has more people who are looking for your service.

3. Bring them Back with Remarketing Pixels

Now that the audience has been acquired and their interest has been piqued, installing remarketing pixels on your webpage will help re-engage them later on. Remarketing pixels serve as a reminder. For example, an online shopper looking for an item may visit a site where she browses several different versions of that item. That list enables the site to deliver an ad to all members on that list with a targeted call-to-action that will encourage them to return to the website to complete a purchase. Google Adwords capitalizes on this information through the use of remarketing audiences. 

This function of Adwords allows users to allocate all the visitors to their site who did not complete a purchase and tailor ads and keywords to this group specifically. Made to Measure Decreasing page load times, utilizing dynamic keyword insertion and installing remarketing pixels can all significantly impact mobile conversion rates in a positive way. Of course, in addition to implementing these changes to your mobile site, it’s recommended to track and measure how these tweaks impact your results using Google Analytics, as well as a variety of other resources to help you get the most out of your mobile marketing campaigns. Although this post preaches the mantra “less is more” when it comes to your actual conversion rate the opposite will always be true – more is more. 

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