If you are advertising on radio without the support of text marketing then you are wasting a ton of money and not making full use of the great media platform that you have invested in. Radio is a fantastic medium for text marketing and vice versa due to the fact that your listening audience are mobile! They are walking, relaxing, in their car, running, listening to your advertisement on their favorite radio station. By simply using a keyword as a call to action (e.g text SEMINAR to 72000) they can receive not only your automated text response, but with MOBIT, receive your offer on their intelligent mobile page via the click link on the text message. Add a keyword to the call to action of your radio advertisement and watch those leads come rolling in.

Note: Remember to make sure your mobile messages and call-to-actions are compliant! For a typical messaging program, this means making sure you include what people should expect to receive when they opt in, how frequently you will send text messages, instructions on how to opt-out, a link to terms and conditions and privacy policy, and a “Message and Data Rates May Apply” disclosure.
If you’re not sure, call your MOBIT Customer Success Strategists at 855 662 4876 or email info@mobit.com to review your advertising materials. We’re always happy to help!